Semiconductor Chip Design and Manufacturing will be supported

As part of Turkey's development goals, fostering collaborations in semiconductor chip design and manufacturing among universities, public institutions, and the private sector is aimed.

According to the compilation made from the 12th Development Plan (2024-2028), the aim is to increase the production and export of competitive, high value-added, and high-tech products based on R&D.

In this context, support will be provided for the transfer and commercialization of technologies designed and produced domestically in defense electronics to civilian applications.

The domestic production of intermediate goods with high import dependency in the electronics sector will be supported. The number of SMEs operating in the manufacturing of electronic components, communication equipment, and testing tools will be increased, and their growth will be supported.

Efforts will be made to develop devices and applications to meet the end-to-end needs of vertical sectors such as industry, agriculture, transportation, and energy in 5G and beyond technologies. R&D and investment studies will be carried out for 6G technologies.

Semiconductor and component technologies will be developed, and investments in this field will be supported. Collaboration in semiconductor chip design and production between universities, public institutions, and the private sector will also be supported.

Efforts will be incentivized for the design and production of semiconductors needed for power circuits and electronic components for renewable energy sources. Support will also be provided for the production of critical components such as permanent magnets, which are subcomponents of electric motors.

The production of hardware and software products used in artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things ecosystems will be supported with local capabilities. Design and production of artificial intelligence chips for "advanced navigation support systems" used in defense, aviation, and space systems will be provided.

Efforts will be made to ensure compliance with international standards in cybersecurity, and Turkey's participation in international joint projects will be supported.

State aids facilitating the use of domestic machinery will be established. In the machinery sector, it is planned to increase productivity and durability, develop competitive and high-tech production infrastructure, ensure twin transformation, and increase the share taken from the global market. In this regard, support will be provided for activities that measure, certify, and increase the productivity level of companies in the sector.

The "Machine Quality Certificate" application will be promoted and expanded with incentives, and an academic and sectoral expert database will be created for use in localization programs. Programs will be designed to improve the qualifications of R&D and design centers supported by the Ministry of Industry and Technology in the machinery sector. Programs will be created for industrial designers and software developers needed by the sector.

The contribution of public procurement and state aids to the development of the sector will be increased. State aids for critical technologies in the sector will be established to facilitate the use of domestic machinery. Preference will be given to domestic products in machines subject to state aids. Regulations promoting the use of domestic products will be made in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects.

The use of composite materials for earthquake-resistant buildings will be promoted.

The plan also aims to produce high value-added products with technological development in other manufacturing sectors such as textile, clothing, leather, non-metallic mineral products, primary metals, and furniture.

Research on alternative raw materials and investments in natural and synthetic fiber raw materials will be encouraged to increase raw material security in sectors. Standardization will be ensured in the technical textile field. In addition, the use of technical textiles and composite materials in new buildings and making existing buildings earthquake-resistant will be promoted.

In the non-metallic mineral products sector, sustainable, green-compatible production will be carried out. The production and use of domestic raw materials and intermediate inputs will be increased, energy costs will be reduced, and domestic production technology will be developed.

In the furniture industry, the production and use of environmentally friendly furniture, the promotion of augmented reality and e-commerce applications, innovative designs, production methods, and branding will increase value-added and exports.

Input supply will be secured in the primary metals industry. Non-standard, low-quality product imports will be prevented, and the production of primary metal industry products needed by the domestic industry and not produced in Turkey will be allowed.